Instant application

Dear Redox Interactive Team,

I would like to work
and I am to work onsite at the office in Salzburg, Austria.
  • Trainee: If this will be your first job within this field
  • Junior: You already have 1-3 years of experience in this field
  • Regular: You already have 4-7 years of experience in this field
  • Senior: We don't need to explain it for you ;)
As every application needs a star rating, here is mine:
  • Moonwalking:
  • Blowing cartridges:
  • Ornithology:
  • Smashing random buttons:
I'm looking forward to talk to you in person or via call to share my
qualifications and experience. Feel free to reach out to me via
or via
and / or find my CV attached here (Filesize max: 8MB)
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Thank you for your time and consideration,
% Your Name %